
Evolve > Improve?

Read time: 4 minutes

It’s January 2023, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

I’m taking a walk.

It’s cool, but not cold, the sun is shining bright on this beautiful winter day.

I can hear children laughing on the playground a few meters away.

And I can’t help but smile.

Was this the secret to being happy all along?

10 days ago, I started my self-improvement journey.

I know exactly when it happened.

December 23.

I took action, for the first time in my life, I took action so radically that I changed into a new person.


  • tried NoFap for the first time

  • deleted the video games once and for all

  • stopped Netflix, binge-watching YouTube, and scrolling on my phone

In a matter of days, I changed who I was.

The progress I made in that tiny period, filled with radical actions I never took before, instantly led to me evolving into a new version of myself.

So the question is..

Can we evolve on command into even better versions of ourselves?

Self-Evolution vs. Self-Improvement

What is the difference between these 2?

Self-Improvement is what I preach.

Consistent improvement, together with genuine effort and the compound effect will inevitably lead to results.


  • improve

  • optimize

  • and better

the version of you that already exists.

Self-evolution though is something far more radical.

It’s when you change your identity so rapidly that in a matter of days, you become a new person.

Just like I did hopping on the self-improvement train for the first time.

In short:

Self-Improvement = Becoming a better version of you

Self-Evolution = Becoming a new version of you

Another example:

You want to get better at martial arts.

Self-improvement way:

You try progressive overloading:

  • you go to classes twice a week

  • you try different martial arts sports

  • you still go hit the gym as usual

Self-evolution way:

You completely change everything:

  • you move to Southeast Asia

  • you join an elite martial arts retreat

  • you get beaten up and learn on the FAST lane

The progress curves may look something like this:



(I hope that made the idea clear though)

But, when should you aim to “self-evolve” yourself?

When to hit “Self-Evolve”

Simply put:

When you want to become a new person.

In whatever endeavor that might be:

  • gym

  • business

  • social circle

It basically requires you to be unhappy with who you are at the moment.

Or, your purpose is telling you to take another route in life.

It’s your call to make.

The benefits:

  • you’ll make 100x more progress in your one goal

  • your identity will change in a matter of days

  • it’s the most epic story you’ll ever tell

The downsides:

  • you have to cut off connections

  • you will have to move location (probably)

  • you’ll have to sacrifice other important areas of your life

What do I mean?

How to Self-Evolve

My story from above will only work this way once.

Complete loser → Complete self-improvement addict

There isn’t really much more evolving to do at home:

  • I already work on business

  • I already hit the gym every day

  • I already do the good habits, avoid the bad etc.

I’m quite happy with who I am at the moment.

But let’s say I wasn’t.

Here is what I’d do:

Step 1) Who do I want to become?

You have to ask yourself:

Which person would I want to evolve to?

It could be:

  • a martial artist

  • a digital nomad

  • an Alpha male (lol)

In every case, you could take the Self-improvement route and get there “safely”

Or, you just shoot your shot.

You completely fixate on the person you want to be (let’s say a digital nomad)


  • envision the day you’ll be living

  • imagine where you’ll be located

and you go.

No excuses.

Step 2) Change Location

I believe this is the most important step.

Get out wherever the fuck you are right now and move to somewhere different.


Drastic changes in environment will lead to drastic changes in behavior.

For example:

  1. You say goodbye to your parents and friends

  2. You book a flight, one way, to some cheap country in Asia or South America

  3. You have 1k left in your bank account

→ And it’s game time.

All or nothing, you have to start making money online NOW

In the case of the digital nomad, it’s basically required anyway.

Is this stupid?


Is it worth it?

Let’s put it this way:

Would 85-year-old you be proud of that decision?

That you took the risk?

Who knows.

Step 3) Cut off everything

You’re in the new location.

You know who you want to be and you have a mission to fulfill.

Now, just don’t fuck it up.

Don’t call home every day.

Don’t start doing other stuff, getting distracted, or chasing shiny objects.

Don’t start wasting your potential because you now live on a beach and use your backpack as a pillow.

Self-Evolution is scary as fuck.

I don’t want to do something that radical right now.

But maybe it’s something we all need to consider.

Quitting Uni/Work, moving somewhere into a shitty apartment, to force the pressure of having to make money onto yourself.

Who’d make more progress?

The entrepreneur who’s working from his mom’s basement, with no living expenses or real concerns?

Or the entrepreneur who took the risk, is somewhere out in the real world and is forced to find some way to build an online wifi money imperium?

And who of these two will live a better life?

I can’t tell you.

But I hope I evoked some thoughts in you today.

Thank you for reading!

I’m not self-evolving any time soon. At least that isn’t the plan (it’s time in 1.3 years to be exact). Maybe you will tho?


Never stop Improving!

~ Henri


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