This concept will mindf*ck you harder than a Mike Tyson punch to the n*ts

It’s fucking endless.

Every room I stroll through, every face I see but don’t recognize, every time I walk through a new door.

It’s just endless.

The rooms don’t end.

The faces just don’t end.

All the damn doorways don’t fucking end.

Every time I step into a new room I see the same picture.

More people.

More drinking.

More partying.

I try to escape, rushing through more doors, more doors, more doors, into the next room, into the next one.

At some point I stop.

I feel lost, looking around.

Same picture.

Same faces I don’t recognize.

Same fucking doorways over and over again.

But then…

I see one face I DO recognize.

One face that I know.

One familiar face..


I get angry.

More people. More faces. More doors.

And there she is again, just a few thoughts away..

But something’s off.

It’s her.

At the same time it’s not.

This can’t be..

I look at my hands.

They look weird, as if a toddler drew them.

Fuck, now I know what’s going on.

I pinch my nose shut.

I breathe through.

It’s as if my hand wasn’t there..

As if my fingers were made of air...



I hit my alarm shut, instantly awake.

Common let’s go.

I jump out of bed.

I turn on my magic lamp, mix some electrolytes into my water jug, and down the whole fucking thing in 3 goes.

On I go, routine as usual -

  • hustling into the bathroom to take a piss

  • starting to brush my teeth while doing some mandatory morning flexing in the bathroom mirror

  • finally throwing myself bare naked into the depths of the uncomfortable - turning on the ice-cold morning shower

4 minutes later I’m down at the coffee machine.

I normally execute this part of my day completely mindlessly - there’s literally no reason to take a stop and think.

Well, usually there isn’t.

While heating up the machine, I remember what just happened a second ago in the other world.

Dreams can be weird as fuck.

Recently I don’t often remember them.

But there was a time when I used to completely obsess about a concept that blew my brain out harder than if Mike Tyson were to come over and knock my chin down to the floor.

A concept I remembered while my coffee was grinding at 5am in the morning.

Just a few minutes ago?

I almost entered…

A Lucid Dream

If you’re familiar with lucid dreams, you just shit your pants out of excitement because another dude knows about this EPIC concept.

And if you don’t know it?

Let me clarify.

When you sleep, you dream (duh)

There are pretty much no cases where you won’t dream at all (except if you get very little sleep or due to extremely rare medical conditions)

Most of us though?

Even though we dream, we don’t regularly remember them.

They’re a blur at best, a story that doesn’t make sense, something you’d forget about in an instant after shooting awake.

Like the shit in italic at the start of this email.

Dreams rarely make any logical sense.

So what’s the point of them anyway?

I won’t go too deep here - but dreams are essentially your subconscious trying to make sense of and understand experiences you’ve been through in real life.

They play a CRUCIAL role in regulating your emotional state every night, forming memories, and making sense of new sensations.

(don’t quote me on this though, been a WHILE since I’ve researched this)

Most of the time you don’t actively partake in these dreams.

You’re captivated in passivity.

Maybe you’re in your own body.

But you’re watching a movie about yourself rather than being the hero in your very own fantasy world.

But sometimes?

And especially if you train yourself to do so?

You can awaken your consciousness - inside of a dream.

That’s what lucidity is:

Consciousness Inside Of A Dream

Hear me out.

It sounds stupid - but you can be awake while dreaming.

Actively move around.

Consciously make choices inside of a world that only exists in your mind, while you sleep.

And the best part?

That’s just where the fun started.

Because IF:

  • your subconscious creates the reality in your dreams (which it does)

  • you suddenly awaken in said reality YOU create (which is what happens in a lucid dream)

  • you realize YOU are the supreme master of EVERYTHING you’re seeing right now (since the entire dream is ONLY built by and inside of YOURSELF)

Then put 2+2 together and let your imagination run WILD on what you could do if you happen to find yourself in a lucid dream.

Because you can control the world around you.

You can change it.

You can change the people in it.

You can do whatever the fuck you want in it and with it, the only limit IS LITERALLY your imagination - because remember, it’s all in your head.

And trust me, the whole thing feels realistic as well.

I’d love to say I know how flying around like Superman feels like.

But nobody does.

The closest you can get to that (besides maybe bungee jumping)?

Try it out in a lucid dream.

I used to do that a ton.

And it feels like whatever my deepest consciousness imagines flying feels like (which by definition feels as realistic to me as it ever could, because in the dream I AM FLYING and I’m AWAKE while doing it. Hint: It kinda feels like a way too epic rollercoaster)

Flying is a classic example - but there’s so much more you can do.

Ever attempted to speak to your unconscious?

Well - a lucid dream is this insane state where your conscious and subconscious merge together.

Imagine yourself standing in your dream landscape.

And then talking to somebody.

No shit - if you have a conversation with ANYONE in a lucid dream, you’re speaking to yourself.

Talking to Trump? - it’s just you.

Talking to Andrew Tate? - yep it’s you.

Talking to your secret crush? - oh it’s 100% just you.

The crazy thing?

One part (you) is conscious.

The other part isn’t.

Just imagine the creativity and possibilities of doing this.

In short - lucid dreaming is insane.

(and before you start doubting the whole thing, do your own research, this is science)

So while I’m standing there in my kitchen, waiting for the piping hot coffee to finally finish up so I can go crush some deep work, I start remembering.

I remember my dream, where I randomly almost entered lucidity.

I remember this whole concept.

I remember how epic it is.

And I’m almost a bit disappointed that I don’t do it anymore.

You see, there’s ONE BIG and non-negligible rule to start mastering lucid dreaming (which is a LONG journey btw, and can feel like a pain in the ass)

The rule?

You have to note down your dreams.

It’s the only way to start remembering them regularly (regardless if you want to get into lucid dreaming or not)

You probe yourself into remembering your dreams in the first place AND a lot more clearly, plus it helps insanely well with increasing the vividness of your dreams.

You NEED both to start lucid dreaming.

Dream journaling has to be done right after waking up (which isn’t an ideal way to start your day, based on a performance perspective)

  • you spend ages lying in bed, trying to remember your dreams

  • you take pages of notes, writing down random thoughts and memories from last night

  • you concentrate, try, get frustrated, and want to start bashing your head against the wall 50% of the time because it kinda sucks

Especially if you want to get up and working, like you hopefully all fancy :D

I dare you to try it tomorrow morning.

Wake up.

Have pen and paper next to you.

And try to start writing down your dreams in a way that isn’t utter bullshit (it will be)

Maybe I’m hating too much -

I’ve done this for more than 2 years before I stopped in early 2024.

And I’ve enjoyed doing it (mainly because I LOVE rereading my old dreams, and of course because of the lucid dreaming benefit)

But the actual point of this email isn’t to get you lucid dreaming.

Even though it sounds (and is) fucking epic.

It’s to remind you that some habits, routines, and entire activities and concepts should never be hammered in stone.


You’ve got too..

Live in Seasons

I’m in execution mode now more than ever.

That doesn’t mean hustling 16-hour days - I just prioritize executing for business more than anything else at the moment.

Ruthlessly cutting out ANYTHING that’s not necessary for me.

Which includes lucid dreaming.

Will there be a time when I go back to dream journaling and talking to my subconscious?

I’m 100% certain of it.

But now it’s not the right time.

You HAVE to be clear on what’s important right this moment.

On what you NEED to prioritize in the next days, weeks, and months.

Productivity is about optimizing for your goals.

And if activities like lucid dreaming, watching football on the weekends, or going out and getting drunk every night don’t help with that (and even take away a lot of potential)?

Well then drop it.

Understand what season of life you're currently in.

Understand what you need to prioritize to get to your goals.

And then adjust your daily habits, routines, and activities accordingly.

Hope you enjoyed this one.

See you soon,



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