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- You're consuming too much content, here's the proof:
You're consuming too much content, here's the proof:
I was researching/writing some thread hooks the other day. Fascinating these threads, and tbh a lot more science behind them than expected.
To hook attention with them, you pretty much have to touch on either an electrifying topic (like ADHD) or a famous person (Huberman is my go to, no surprise there).
Another famous man I quite much adore is Alex Hormozi.
Probably the most famous entrepreneur on the planet at the moment (at least in the internet world).
While researching for some banging quotes from him - there are a lot - I got curious:
Has the outside world (not the internet bubble) caught attention of this man? He makes $250 million profit annually. Which HAS to put him on Forbes or something right?
Turns out he isn’t yet in any lists, at least not that I could find.
But I did find a clip of him talking about it.
The clip is exactly 55 seconds long. I haven’t watched a piece of shorts in ages, maybe clicked on and off on one in an X thread.
And this 55-second clip proves the statement I made in the subject line:
You’re watching WAY too much content.
Watching these 55 seconds of Hormozi talk to another guy, my mind literally went HAM on content ideas - and I’m not exaggerating when I say this:
I could literally write 5 emails based on this clip alone - not including the one I’m typing right now.
If I were a marketer or money-making internet guru.
The short was loaded with so much information I’m honestly mindblown.
Here are all the ideas I picked out:
Alex mentioned male entrepreneurs have to be at $4 billion in sales to be featured in Forbes; female entrepreneurs have to cross $1 billion (if I remember correctly).
He said you only need to gross 5 Million per year to be able to purchase anything you ever wanted to if you think about the “rich lifestyle”.
Millionaires are deprived and sad of money because they compare themselves to their elite social circle, which make way more than $250 million a year (which is where Hormozi is at right now).
Hormozi is sad about not being able to buy the companies he wants to buy, like a damn kid in a toy store that doesn’t get to pick his favorite lego set, which pushes him to do better.
Deprivation (and therefor motivation) don’t come from what you have, but to who and what you compare yourself to. If Hormozi wants to be at $4 billion, he's 8 times more motivated to get there than somebody wanting to go from 10k/month to 20k/month.
And finally, that Hormozi has insanely large biceps and is probably the most jacked business man to walk the earth. Aka, health is important for everybody, even the hardest working entrepreneurs.
6! ideas directly from one 55-second clip, plus the email I’m writing right now, which is technically a seventh one.
Let that sit for a second.
Yes, this is an extreme example - completely novel style of content for me, deprived of content which allowed me to pick up these ideas easily, etc.
Not only are these content ideas, some of these can easily be translated into life/business lessons you’d have to spend ages implementing.
For example: If you want to be more motivated, upgrade your social circle in order to feel more deprived of what you don’t yet have - resulting in the desire to do more.
I used to consume a shit ton of content daily, and I learned a lot through that.
You can’t really know that the anterior midcingulate cortex is your brain’s willpower hub and grows, strengthens and forms new connections when you do stuff that sucks - which results in an improved ability to rely and use willpower.
Stuff like that doesn’t drop out of the sky.
But if I compare the minutes consumed to the action taken to actually improve my life in some way, shape or form?
Hmm. Probably didn’t really use all that content and the lessons in the “most optimal way”.
There are simply too many lessons in content these days in order to implement them all.
In the past weeks, I’ve essentially not consumed any type of video content. Admittedly, I’m getting back into it for thread research.
My point stands:
You’re probably consuming too much content. Too much time spent learning lessons you’ll forget about again before you can take action on them.
Reminder for today:
Act more. Consume less. sa
Didn’t expect to end this email on a platitude, but hey. It’s true after all.
Thanks for reading.
See you soon,
PS. Keep reading my emails, though (hypocrite me). Banging stuff coming up :)